1 – Tirana, Albania. Kick-off meeting.

5-6 April 2022

In the occasion of the first 2-days transnational co-design meeting in Tirana, hosted by National Youth Congress of Albania, partners will kick-off the EDU2030 project in the framework of the Tirana European Youth Capital 2022, title awarded by the European Youth Forum to the cities that show the greatest commitment towards active youth participation, development of local level youth policies, linking it with
European level processes and fostering European values.
The choice to meet in this prestigious setting will facilitate the future involvement of stakeholders. This first meeting will include introductions, statement(s) of mission, and organization of teams or working-groups, starting to exchange the good and innovative practices in the field of the “EDU2030” project.
Moreover, the contracts will be signed by the European coordinator and the other partners at the kick-off-meeting in Tirana, Albania. Each participant organizations will reach preliminary agreements through online meetings about the Consortium bodies voting system and criteria of participants’ selection and, during the kick-off- meeting in Albania, each partner will confirm the selection of the participants.
Participants: 2 staff/volunteers each participant organizations.

N° of travelling participants per country:
2 Italy, 2 Spain, 2 Portugal, 2 Romania, 2 Belgium, 2 Latvia

2 – Ermesinde, Portugal. Final & Sustainability Meeting

26-27 October 2023

The “EDU2030:Youth in Transition” final and sustainability meeting will be held in August 2023 in Ermesinde, Portugal, hosted by the youth organization “Associação Sójovem das
The meeting will be the occasion to present the final results of the project and to involve participant organisations with the stakeholders, including local authorities, in an open roundtable
discussion about the follow-up of the project.

Expected participants: 2 staff members per participant organizations + audience at the public event with stakeholders.

N° of travelling participants per country:
2 Italy, 2 Spain, 2 Romania, 1 Belgium, 2 Latvia